Marketing Strategies - Littlejohn's Web Shop Hollister, CA

Are your marketing strategies and efforts not producing the results you want?

Maybe it’s time to review your marketing strategies and see if there are parts of it that need an update – or if the entire framework needs a complete overhaul.

Constant assessment of what’s working and what’s not is a must for businesses navigating the online marketing arena today. The current environment won’t tolerate stagnant entities. It’s highly competitive, fickle and fast-changing.

“However, this doesn’t mean that businesses should then just go only for the trendy and new tactics.”

If you want to see results, often the best way is to go back to square one and check if you’re already covering the basic, time-tested factors that have a solid track record of getting results.

These factors, which are usually seen in the most effective online marketing strategies today, include the following:

A clear, defined set of objectives

Before you develop your plan, much less execute your tactics, it’s absolutely crucial that the targets you want to achieve have already been clearly defined. Be as specific as possible when identifying these goals.

If you want to make more money, for instance, then state exactly how much and when do you expect to achieve that figure.

By being as specific as possible, you gain more guidance and confidence in defining the steps to take to reach your goal. By starting with the end in mind, you become more purposeful in making decisions and taking action.

A strong content marketing strategy

In the heart of the most enduring and rewarding overarching marketing strategies is a solid, authentic and scientific content marketing strategy.

Content that’s interesting, informative, correctly optimized, distributed through the right channels and promoted using the most suitable platforms can be your business’s greatest asset for success.

Use every piece of content you produce, from your blog posts to videos and infographics to social media posts and more, to build positive relationships with your customers.

A user-centric website

There’s no dichotomy to it: In these highly competitive times, your website must be both useful and beautiful, and pleasing to both humans and search engines.

If you’re still spending your time tweaking code, making graphics or doing any tinkering to “improve” your site, then stop. Put your energies into growing the business and leave the website design and development to the specialists.

So that’s the challenge for you: Improve your online marketing strategy today. Start by trying out the three tips listed above.

So if you are interested in revamping your online marketing strategies, click here and get started with Littlejohn’s Web Shop today!


I love web design and marketing and have a passion in helping business owners enjoy a results-driven online business. I am a loving father and husband, and legitimate business man with high integrity.

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