Website Design Ideas

Website design: does it even matter that much?

Consider the following facts and figures:

  • 75 percent of users make snap judgments about a business’s credibility just by looking at its website design.
  • Dark colors can persuade users to stay a little while longer, by 3.18 seconds, to surf your website.
  • 94 percent of users tagged website design as the foremost reason for mistrusting or rejecting a website.

Clearly, design plays a fundamental role in getting more traffic to your website and maintaining a certain level of authority and credibility in your line of work or business. This means that you need to come up with some pretty stellar website design ideas, to keep people on your site and to get them to trust your business.

So how do you go about the process? Do you round up everyone in your company and start bouncing off ideas? Do you take on the task by yourself? Or do you just hire the most expensive website design group and let them figure it out?

It’s actually a little bit of everything.

But instead of rounding everyone in your company or organization, pick relevant people to help you brainstorm. As the lead decision maker, you need to guide the brainstorming session for website design so that the ideas reflect the goals, the personality, and the requirements of your organization.

The right people with your guidance for your brainstorming session will allow for an efficient and smarter process.

And instead of simply relying on a website design firm and stepping back to let them handle the process, you should collaborate on ideas. The best professional website design group can take your raw ideas and specific requirements and turn them into a viable concept that truly works.

Website Design Ideas TeamWhen you’re working with your professional website designer and developer, you might be tempted to point out compelling websites then use them as more than just templates for designing and building your own website. Know that what works for one company or organization might not work for other entities. There has to be reason behind the design for it to make sense for your business or what your website hopes to accomplish. So it can’t just look good or look right.

Finally, one other crucial factor to coming up with the best website design idea is to consider the architecture. Be aware that most users hate slow loading pages. No matter how spectacular your website design may be, if it takes more than 2 seconds to load, you will lose valuable traffic. Current data indicates that 40 percent of website users will abandon a page if it loads after 3 seconds.

If your idea demands a great deal of complex coding and more time to develop, reconsider and think about other options.


I love web design and marketing and have a passion in helping business owners enjoy a results-driven online business. I am a loving father and husband, and legitimate business man with high integrity.

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