It’s all over the web – old, outdated websites from 2008. That was over seven years ago in case you didn’t realize. Facebook was under 30 million users and President Barack Obama was still serving in the US Senate.
So you ask, why do i need to update my website? Simple. New and returning customers are searching for your business. And guess what? Your competitor across the street just invested over $5,000 into his new flashy website. You can even buy his product online, ask for help, or check out his daily specials (and it’s not from July 4, 2008).
Say that same person walked into your business and saw a bunch of dust caked all over your products. Do you really think they’re going to buy what you have to offer? Probably not.
I’ll start off with 7 Reasons Why You Need To Update Your Website:
#1. Competition
Your competition is strong, and if not today it will be tomorrow. So be ready because they’re coming whether your website is up-to-date or not.
#2. Google loves new content
The search engine giant Google, crawls the web at an amazingly fast rate and is more likely to find your site much faster and give you authority over time. So when someone does a Google search for your business, that company with the same business name 3,500 miles away won’t come up first.
#3. SEO – Search Engine Optimization
SEO is huge and vital to your online business. This is when someone does a Google search for your product or service and your website isn’t even on the map. Of course there are many other factors but having your website optimized for search is a good start.
#4. Your customers are watching
Why did you think you needed a website 7 years ago?
#5. Sales, sales and more sales
If you want more sales, more leads, and more customers you have to update your website to show your business isn’t still living in the 90’s and is up to date. Remember the same service from across the street is just a click away!
#6. It’s 2014
Get with the program and invest a little. Even if it’s a new page or a link to your Facebook page. You will thank me later.
#7. Smart phones
The mobile age is here. 8 out 10 people with cell phones have a smart phone such as an iPhone or Android. Believe me they are surfing the web on their cell phone day and night. Is your website mobile friendly?
There you have it. 7 simple reasons out of the other 100 I can think of.