About Jeremy Littlejohn

I love web design and marketing and have a passion in helping business owners enjoy a results-driven online business. I am a loving father and husband, and legitimate business man with high integrity.
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by Jeremy Littlejohn | News, Tips and More, SEO
SEO tactics and strategies come and go. Changes brought about by search engines, including algorithm changes, can render some of these SEO tactics and strategies irrelevant or downright harmful to your website. This is why it is critical to keep abreast with...
by Jeremy Littlejohn | Digital Marketing, News, Tips and More
Online businesses are required to stay on top of their marketing strategy. When it comes to increasing brand awareness and generating more sales, nothing works better than a solid e-commerce marketing strategy. All sorts of tactics make up a strong e-commerce...
by Jeremy Littlejohn | Hosting, News, Tips and More
Website downtime can cost your business up to $50,000 per hour, according to a USA Today survey, mitigate this with Managed Hosting. While the actual loss in terms of revenue, business disruption and productivity depends on a case-to-case basis, one thing is for sure:...
by Jeremy Littlejohn | News, Tips and More, SEO
Organic Traffic – what is it? And how does it help businesses? Businesses today require a strong and steady online presence in order to maximize their reach with target consumers. Your website is basically your virtual front door, and you want the right people —...
by Jeremy Littlejohn | News, Tips and More, SEO
Organic SEO vs. Local SEO, which will suit your business best? As a small business owner, your main goal in online marketing is to reach the greatest possible number of potential customers. There are several strategies that you can utilize to achieve that goal...